What's New
Sep 6, 2024

Minor bug fixes

Aug 28, 2024

Minor bug fixes.

Aug 23, 2024

New Feature: Summary Editor

We’ve introduced a brand new Summary Editor! Now, you can fine-tune and personalize your completed YouTube video summaries before exporting them. Whether you want to adjust the content, add emphasis, or reorganize your notes, the new editor allows you to:

feature screenshot

This update gives you more control over your summaries and how you share them.

How To Edit Summaries

Happy editing!

Aug 20, 2024

History Improvements

Bug Fixes

This update also includes a few minor bug fixes.

Jul 30, 2024

Minor Improvements

Jul 23, 2024

Bug fixes and improvements for "No transcript Found" error.

Jul 21, 2024

Minor bug fixes.

Jul 19, 2024

Major Update

With this huge update Summarify is now powered by ChatGPT 4o mini and is now even more powerful and intelligent than ever! Summarify could always summarize videos of any length by breaking them into parts, but now it can summarize videos up to 7x more than previously summarizing videos up to 7 hours or more with ease!

New Summary Styles

This app update has 5 new powerful summary styles, making it even easier than ever to get exactly the information you need as fast as possible!

Narrative Summary

Retells the video's content in a detailed, story-like format capturing the flow and key moments.

Paraphrased Summary

Rewrites the main points in clear, concise language, simplifying complex information.

Thematic Summary

Organizes information by grouping related points based on themes or topics discussed.

Executive Summary

Provides a high-level overview of the video's content, capturing essential points concisely for quick reading.

Data Extraction Summary

Identifies and summarizes key data points, such as statistics and economic indicators, from the video.

Customize Summary Order

With this feature, you can personalize the order of summary types in the summary menu. Simply drag and drop to rearrange the summary types so that your preferred options appear first. This way, you can access your favorite summaries quickly and easily.

Bug Fixes & Changes

Jul 17, 2024

Quicker To Re-summarize

It's now ever easier and quicker to summarize again, with a new button to quickly pick a different summary type after completing a summary.

Out Of Beta

The much loved Key Takeaways, ELI5 & Lecture Notes summary styles are now out of beta.

Featured Videos

This update also adds a new Featured Videos section, so you can easily find interesting videos to summarise, and test out Summarify!

Bug Fixes

This update also includes minor bug fixes to make summarizing YouTube better than ever!

Jun 17, 2024

Minor Bug Fixes