How Do Referrals Work?

Unlocking More Summaries with App Referrals: Enhance Your Experience!

Are you ready to supercharge your experience with Summarify? We're excited to introduce a fantastic way for you to earn additional summaries effortlessly. Say hello to our app referral program! Now, you can not only enjoy our app's insightful summaries but also share the benefits with friends and acquaintances. Let's dive into the details of how this program works and how you can start reaping the rewards.

The Power of Referrals

We believe that the best apps are discovered through word-of-mouth recommendations. With our new referral program, you have the opportunity to introduce our app to others and get rewarded for it. It's a win-win situation – your friends get to discover the app's exceptional summaries, and you get to earn extra summaries as a token of our appreciation.

How It Works

Sharing the app and earning extra summaries is incredibly simple. Here's a step-by-step guide to get you started:

  1. Share Your Referral Link: Once you're logged into the app, navigate to the referral section. Here, you'll find a unique referral link that you can easily share with your contacts via social media, messaging apps, email, or any other preferred method. This link will let your friends know about the app and track their installations.

  2. Referral Installation and Onboarding: When someone clicks on your referral link and installs the app, they'll be prompted to complete the onboarding process. It's important that they complete this step to ensure you both receive the bonus summaries.

  3. Claim Your Rewards: As soon as your referred user successfully completes the onboarding, you and the person you referred will both receive an additional 15 summaries! These summaries will be automatically added to your account, boosting your app experience.

Note: Stay in the loop and never miss a beat with our referral program! To ensure you're always up-to-date, remember to enable push notifications. This way, you'll be instantly alerted whenever you receive a new referral. Don't let the opportunity to earn additional summaries slip through your fingers – keep those notifications on and stay connected with our exciting referral rewards!.

Self-Referral Option

We value your dedication to our app, which is why we've also introduced a self-referral option. Simply open your own referral link and follow the installation and onboarding process. You'll receive the same fantastic bonus of 15 summaries, enhancing your experience right away.

Limits and Guidelines

While we encourage you to refer as many people as you like, there are a few important guidelines to keep in mind:

  • A user can only be referred once. Once they've successfully installed the app via your referral link and completed onboarding, both of you will earn 15 additional summaries.
  • Feel free to refer as many people as you want. There's no limit to how many friends, family members, or colleagues you can introduce to the app.
  • Remember, the more referrals you make, the more bonus summaries you'll accumulate. It's a fantastic way to explore even more content within our app!

Start Sharing, Start Earning!

Our app referral program is designed to reward you for being an essential part of our community. By sharing the app with others, you're helping them access valuable summaries while enjoying the perks of extra content for yourself. So, why wait? Share your referral link today and embark on a journey of enhanced knowledge and exploration.

Thank you for being a part of our app's journey, and happy referring!

Note: The details mentioned in this article are based on the app's features as of the publication date. Any updates or changes to the referral program may not be reflected here.