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How To Edit Summaries

What is Markdown?

In case you didn't know, the editing feature in Summarify uses a powerful formatting language called Markdown. While you may see it as a simple text summary editor, Markdown allows you to add formatting like bold, italics, headings, lists, and even links to your summaries. It's a great way to personalize and enhance your text with just a few simple symbols.

Here are some basic Markdown examples:

  • Bold Text:
    **This is bold text** displays as This is bold text.

  • Italic Text:
    *This is italicized text* displays as This is italicized text.

  • Headings:

# Heading 1 
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
  • Lists:
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
  • Links:
    [Click here]( will create a clickable link.

Note: Right now summarify only supports the above markdown formats

How to Use the Text Summary Editing Feature


  1. Navigate to the History Tab:
    To begin editing a summary, first go to the History tab. This tab contains all of your previously summarized YouTube videos.

  2. Choose a Summary to Edit:
    Select the summary you'd like to edit. Tap on the menu button located in the top-right corner of the summary card.

  3. Tap "Edit Summary":
    From the dropdown menu, tap "Edit Summary." This will open the summary, and you can begin editing the text.

  4. Edit the Summary:
    Use the editor to adjust your text as needed. You can add emphasis, structure, or links with Markdown to make your summary clearer and more engaging.

    screenshot of app

  5. Preview Your Edits:
    Tap on the magnifying glass icon in the center of the edit menu. This will show you a preview of how your edits will appear once the text is rendered.


  6. Save or Export Your Edits:
    After making your changes, you can:

    • Save Edits: Keep the summary with your new changes for later.
    • Export Edits: Export the summary directly as a PDF or raw text by tapping the export button.

By using this editor, you have full control over how your YouTube summaries look and feel before sharing or saving them.